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Category: Accessibility Best Practices

An illustration of a user about to click into some suggested search results. The beginning search query is "need a" and the autofill options are: need an accessible job application (which is highlighted,) need a job, need a break and need a hug.

My experiences with inaccessible job applications & how to fix them

Since losing my sight in my late 20's, I have dealt with more than my fair share of inaccessible online job apps and other hiring processes. Let's talk about what could be better & how to improve it.
Illustration of person looking at arrows asking where to go with one arrow pointing to an accessibility symbol

I’ve received the results of my accessibility audit – now what?

Most organizations start their digital accessibility journey with an audit. While an audit is a great first step, it can be difficult to interpret audit results and prioritize issues. Let's discuss the best next steps after an accessibility audit.