axe Developer Hub

Easily add accessibility testing to end-to-end tests

Automatically test every code commit

Improve developer productivity by providing deduplicated, actionable accessibility reports. Quickly find new issues and get feedback while coding in the IDE and within pull requests.

An illustration depicting a code editor with an alert from GitHub indicating an accessibility issue found in the pull request.

Zero maintenance test integration

Automatically integrate accessibility testing into existing end-to-end functional tests–set it and forget it.

Brief portion of an accessibility report that shows the number of issues over the allowed a11y threshold

Prioritize easily

Instantly identify issues related to your code changes. Issues are deduplicated and reports are actionable.

This is an accessibility report that shows how you can drill into the page state to see how many duplicate issues a page has and then share that easily across teams.

Enforce your accessibility policy

Use GitHub Actions to automatically stop release of any code with accessibility issues and track the results of every commit.

A dashboard indicating that a pending code release is being blocked because it has accessibility issues.

Track your progress

Determine how your project’s accessibility changes with each release.

A comparative accessibility report showing the number of issues by release for 3 different releases.

Work smarter

With only a few lines of code, leverage current end-to-end tests to measure accessibility as your application grows.

The only two lines of code needed if selected to participate in the axe Developer Hub (Beta) program.

Intuitive integration

Connect with your current testing platform with just a click. Integrate automated accessibility testing with Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer, and WebdriverIO.

  • Cypress logo
  • Playwright logo
  • Puppeteer logo
  • Webdriver logo

Global visibility

Share any insight, list of issues or commit impact with everyone on your team.

A summary report of accessibility issue impacts for a project that can easily be shared across teams by clicking on a button.

Developers / QA – Get the documentation you need now!

If you’re looking for the facts on our products, look no further. We have all the details about how to use axe Developer Hub – and more.

Screenshot of the Deque Docs website homepage.