axe-hackathon, march 16, 2019, Anaheim, Accessibility is a team sport

Save the Date: Deque’s Axe-hackathon & Hospitality Event at CSUN!

As a key event helping fuel the growing accessibility community, Deque is thrilled to attend and be a showcase sponsor at the 34th Annual CSUN Conference. This year’s conference is taking place March 11th-15th at the Anaheim Marriott in Anaheim. Come find us at booths 315 and 317 in the exhibit hall. We’ll be performing product demonstrations and can answer any questions you have about any of our products and services. Members of the Deque sales team will also be available for one-on-one meetings if you have specific questions about getting started.

Deque Hospitality & Accessibility Awareness (Empathy) Lab Event

On Wednesday, March 13th starting at 6:30pm, Deque will be hosting its hospitality and Awareness Lab event on the Platinum Patio. Space will be limited for our invite-only event featuring the Deque Awareness (Empathy) Lab. Network with Deque experts and product owners while enjoying heavy h’dourves, dessert and drinks.

4th-Annual Axe-hackathon!

Deque is proud to be hosting its 4th-annual hackathon on Saturday, March 16th 10:00AM–3:00PM (after CSUN). The hackathon will be lead by Wilco Fiers and other members of the axe team. We will be onsite at the Anaheim Marriott (conference hotel) in Platinum Ballroom 1.

What Will We Be Doing At the aXe Hackathon?

  • Testing open source component libraries and logging accessibility issues
  • Building new axe integrations
  • Sharing knowledge and solutions with our fellow accessibility devotees
  • Working on personal accessibility projects
  • Hanging out with awesome people and making the web a better place

Who Should Come?

You should come. And bring your friends. This hackathon is open to all experience levels. If you can download a browser extension, you can test for accessibility. We’ll also have some advanced project opportunities for our more seasoned a11y friends.

Will There Be food?

Yes! We will provide lunch and a coffee break. We’ll email everyone for dietary restrictions closer to the event.

Will There Be Accessibility Accommodations?

We will provide captioning for the opening and closing of the hackathon. The event will mostly consist of people working independently and in small groups on various projects, so it won’t be possible to caption absolutely everything said at the event. If you need ASL interpretation or other forms of accommodation, please send an email to

More Announcements to Come…

Keep an eye on our blog as we announce our Showcase Sessions and other networking events we will be hosting at CSUN!

photo of Deque Systems

About Deque Systems

Deque (pronounced dee-cue) stands for digital equality. For over 20 years, our software, services and training have helped eliminate billions of accessibility barriers from websites, mobile apps and other digital content - improving the web for everyone, including people with disabilities.

We work with enterprise-level businesses and organizations to ensure that their sites and mobile apps are accessible. Our axe tools have been downloaded over one billion times by accessibility champions around the world. Our experts have implemented thousands of successful accessibility programs. Our training has impacted over a hundred thousand learners.

Deque is the digital accessibility industry standard.