axe DevTools® Linter

Catch and fix accessibility issues while you code

Get instant feedback working in your IDE. Scan and block inaccessible code in GitHub, Jenkins, SonarQube, and CI/CD.

An illustration of an IDE user interface containing code, some of which is highlighted indicating accessibility issues.

Custom component linting

Stop bad use of your custom components in its tracks. Map your custom components to ensure their usage creates accessible experiences.

Screenshot of how you can map your custom components using axe DevTools Linter.

GitHub actions

Scan and block bad code in your GitHub pull request. Give developers and reviewers remediation instructions in the pull request.

Screenshot from GitHub Actions showing how, with a few lines of code, axe DevTools Linter can be run as a part of automated pull requests.

Get started with accessibility linting

axe Accessibility Linter

Test in VS Code, optimize your configuration, and win.

  • Includes: VS Code
  • Includes: React, Vue, Angular, HTML
  • Includes: Lint against your own component library

axe DevTools Linter

Test in the IDE, add accessibility to your pre-commit hooks & PRs.

  • Includes: Everything from axe Accessibility Linter
  • Includes: Add to your PR reviews & set team standards
  • Includes: Pre-commit hooks stop bugs before you share with the team

Free 14-day trial.
No credit card required!

Complete Web toolkit

Integrate directly into your current testing process.

  • Includes: NEW: IntelliJ & WebStorm plug-ins!
  • Includes: Everything from axe DevTools Linter
  • Includes: Test interactively in the browser
  • Includes: Automatically add accessibility to your end-to-end tests
  • Includes: APIs & CLI for ultimate flexibility

SonarQube / Jenkins

Report on your accessible code quality. Track code quality over time. Easily report on all repositories in your organization.

Screenshot from within the SonarQube environment showing a list of code issues found by the axe DevTools Linter with severity and description of each issue.

React native mobile linting

All the powerful features for testing React native mobile code too.

Screenshot from within the React Native environment showing an error in a line of code from a pull request with a helpful message about how to fix it.

Pre-commit hook

All code you commit is pre-tested for accessibility – automatically.

Screenshot of code showing the few lines of code required to add axe DevTools Linter to the pre-commit hook in GitHub.


Create any integration you need with our easy-to-use REST API or Command Line Interface (CLI) for anything you use. Here are just a few examples:

  • CircleCi logo
  • TravisCI logo
  • GitLab logo
  • Azure DevOps logo
  • Bamboo logo
  • Rally Software logo

Frequently asked questions

The axe DevTools Linter is used by teams of developers who want to automatically have their source code checked for accessibility violations. We have 44 accessibility rules that check your code in your CI/CD system, provide reports or provide the results back to your code collaboration system such as GitHub. Additionally, reports can be sent to SonarQube.

It’s now possible to run an automated check as part of a pull request (PR) and block obvious accessibility defects from being merged into the code. Another common practice in agile development is to collect quality, compliance, and tech-debt metrics as part of the continuous integration (CI) process and to show it on a dashboard for everyone to see. Now, with no additional work on the part of the team, you can include accessibility issues in those metrics. This allows code accessibility to be treated as it should be– another standard aspect of software quality.

Axe DevTools Linter can be licensed as a stand-alone product or as a component within the axe DevTools product suite. The licensing model fees are based on actual server usage which we track using a metric we call LoC – which stands for lines of code that are inspected with our linter.

Yes! We offer a free personal edition linter called axe Accessibility Linter for VS Code for developers to automatically check the accessibility of their code while they type. It’s purpose-built to test your static code for accessibility. The axe Accessibility Linter for VS Code as of August 2023 has more than 253k downloads on the Visual Studio marketplace.

We currently support React (.js .jsx .ts .tsx), Vue (.vue), Angular (.component .html), HTML (.html .htm), and Markdown (.md .markdown) files. For IDEs we support VS Code which is very widely used. Please join our axe community Slack channel to voice your requests.