Joe Devon
Diamond / Founding Partner
Joe Devon is the co-founder of Diamond‚ a digital agency that builds accessible experiences, and co-founder of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, and Chair of the GAAD Foundation. In 2019 Joe and the Diamond team launched their first State of Accessibility Report, a report that strives to assess what the current state of accessibility is, so that we may track it over time and make sure it improves yearly. Joe has more than 20 years of development experience in high-profile projects spanning Digital Media, Search Engines, Performance Management;for Internet backbone providers, Investment Banks, Telcos, Big Pharma and Big Media. When Joe is not solving technology challenges for major organizations, you can find him on stage influencing every developer and corporation to build their digital products with inclusive design in mind.
Watch Joe’s 2021 talk here: “2020 State of Accessibility Report”