Allen Hoffman is a person with a disability, a relatively new member of the Deque family and a long time practitioner in the software development and accessibility fields. He is a certified Trusted Tester and a life long user of assistive technology. Allen has spent a decade as an application developer and internet hosting service provider and twenty years as an Accessibility Program leader. Allen recently retired from the Federal U.S. government after serving as the Deputy Executive Director of the Department of Homeland Security Office of Accessible Systems and Technology from 2005 thru 2018. While at DHS Mr. Hoffman lead development of the Trusted Tester Program and was a major founding contributor to the Federal Accessibility Community of Practice. Allen also was a contributor to the Revised Section 508 standards through the entire standards development effort. Prior to his stint at DHS Allen supported the Internal Revenue Service Information Resources Accessibility Program as they implemented the original Section 508 regulations. Mr. Hoffman is currently working with Deque Systems integrating support for the Trusted Tester process in to Deque products and services and supporting the Accessibility Program Office to assist organizations as they embark on and accelerate their digital accessibility transformation initiatives.
Read more about Allen’s talk here: “Panel: Federal Government and Accessibility“